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Audio User Interface (AUI)

Brands are turning to audio user interface (AUI) to augment the digital user experience and enhance the customer experience.


Good AUI helps concentrate the customers' attention, allowing them to stay focused and on task while being made aware of what's salient. At the same time it strengthens the customer brand connection with sounds that reflect the brand's values, purpose and position.

Audio enabled smart devices are integrated into our everyday lives. Our home speakers are smart, our phones are smart, our cars are smart, our watches are smart, even our showers are smart. Our desktops, laptops, iPads are all shipped with high quality enabled audio. Brands can leverage this and project their own bespoke branded sound palettes directly into these devices.


Customer expectation has changed, so has the technology. Increasingly, our tech devices communicate with the us in a non visual way.

Good AUI facilitates that non visual interaction and provides brands, and their customers, with two things.

  • First, it enhances the user/customer experience by providing well timed and salient feedback through notification and interaction. The usability of your platform affects how long customers stay, and if they come back.


  • Second, it improves the quality of the digital brand experience. The sound of your platform reflects something important about your brand, well designed AUI conveys a sense of quality and trust.

Our team of audio user experience and sound designers produce bespoke brand focused AUI for all digital platforms.

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